Friday, April 13, 2007


Sleeping soundly is a very precious value for many people. After a tiring day of work, study or doing household chores, it is a good reward to have a good rest at night. This is why when bedtime comes we do not want anything to bother us. However, when snoring becomes a problem, it is an entirely different matter. This is where you must find ways to put an end to your snoring problems.

Snoring may be harmless, but it can also be a symptom of a life- threatening sleep disorder called sleep apnea, especially if it is accompanied by severe daytime sleepiness. Sleep apnea, or pauses in breathing while sleeping, preventing air flow, reduces oxygen levels and strains the heart and cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. People with sleep apnea awaken frequently during the night. Obesity can also contribute to sleep apnea.

To put an end to your snoring problems, elevate your head. People snore because they have difficulty in breathing when they sleep. The air passages that should be kept open for easy breathing may be less relaxed when you sleep. This is due to the weight of the chest pressing to the passages when you are lying down. Thus, elevating the head when you sleep can improve the breathing and result to less snoring. Sleep on two or more pillows that will be comfortable for you.

Another way to put and end to your snoring problems is to lose weight. The snoring problem is also very common among overweight people. They tend to snore more because their bodies become more suppressing to their respiratory system. Too much weight can result to a larger circumference in the neck area. Thus, there is more weight pressing on the air passage. Reducing your current weight will definitely improve the condition of sleep.

Smoking is another culprit. It causes the air passages to be irritated. The smoke and irritants can make the tissues in your throat swell and affect your easy breathing. Quit smoking to put an end to your snoring problems. You can gradually observe your snoring problem to disappear. You also need more oxygen to facilitate in the healthy respiratory system you need.

There are also many products that claim to help snoring. They include the nasal strip , which is said to help the snorer breathe more easily through the nose. Another popular product is an aromatherapy mixture of oil, which can be inhaled, or alternatively, applied directly to the snorer's skin. Other products include the anti-snorer pillow, which claims to stop snoring by fixing the bad posture of snorers while sleeping. Some also include magnetic features. A homeopathic product is also common. The ingredients it to stop snoring are based on substances that if they were administered to a non-snorer that they would actually produce symptoms very similar to those of snorers. One such product claiming to stop snoring is SnoreStop Extinguisher.

You should consider consulting a doctor to put an end to your snoring problems. It is also a good idea to consult a doctor to resolve your situation. A specialist can diagnose any deeper problem that may cause the snoring. This will end the speculations that will get you nowhere. Just make sure you ask for a second opinion if a physician suggests a surgery. The doctor can also recommend some effective stop snoring aids that you can use.

Sleeping peacefully is very important. This ensures that you get the proper rest to prepare you for the new day ahead. Be sure that you get enough sleep. Find the right options to put an end to your snoring problems.


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