Gynecomestia (male breasts or man boobs) is usually considered as a disease on account of which extra muscles forms into certain parts of the breast. Gynecomestia leads to the swollen of the parts of the breasts which gets affected by Gynecomestia. Gynecomestia generally is found to affect the male generation usually during the stage of adolescence, basically during 14 year of age. Besides the young adolescent being affected by the disease, Gynecomestia also affects the older generation of people. It is because of this disease of Gynecomestia, it is generally found that the males who suffers from it, doesn’t want to show their bare body. It is estimated out here that nearly 40% to 60% of the male generation suffers from this disease of Gynecomestia.
There are certain basic causes of Gynecomestia. Some of the most common causes of Gynecomestia are obesity, disorders in the generic system, tumors, ageing, puberty, medicinal side effects. In this context it can be found that Gynecomestia generally affects the male generation when they reach the stage of puberty that is found basically during the adolescence. Sometimes, certain medicine also causes Gynecomestia. Besides these causes, it has also been estimated that injury in the spinal cord is also a concerned cause of Gynecomestia.
Luckily, Gynecomestia can be overcome by many things, such as plastic surgery, special exercise and diet programs and man boobs reduction pills. However, these all have their ups and downs.
The main problem of plastic surgery is the cost. Gynecomastia surgery costs at least 4000 dollars and if you go to a professional company it will cost much more. It is also not covered by many medical insurance companies as it is considered a cosmetic condition and not a medical one. Also, there are a lot of risks involved in Gynecomastia surgery. If this doesn't go well, you may end up with scars, bumps or dents on your chest. There may even be a need for a second surgery to correct what the first missed. Finally, Gynecomstia is a painful procedure. You have to know this in advance.
For special exercise and diet plans, there have been cases in which a special and dedicated exercise and diet plan helped sufferers of man boobs to get rid of their man boobs. Some patients that have recovered published special programs in order to eliminate man boobs. If you're willing to spend some time and effort, you can get excellent results.
Finally, mans boobs reduction pills seem to fare quite well. They have been widely used during the past few years and have no reported cases of side effects. Gynecomestia thus is considered as a major concern of those who suffers from it. Gynecomestia is a disease which is only found to affect the male population either old or whether they be at the stage of puberty. But however, the matter can be relieved with the option of surgery on the basis of which the Gynecomestia can be removed and the male can thus show off their bare body rather than hiding it behind the shirt and the t-shirt.
By the way, I have a Squidoo lens called Visit it to find more information! Also, I strongly recommend a book by Cliff Manchester, which is very popular. He has suffered from Gynecomestia himself, and this book teaches you a lot about it. To buy it,
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